Fanbin Kong

Professor Food Science & Technology
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Description of Research Interests

Food engineering; in vitro simulation of digestive systems; microencapsulation technology; bioaccessibility and bioavailability of bioactives as affected by food matrix and processing; new food processing technology including radio frequency (RF) heating for food pasteurization.

Research lab website

Courses Taught

FDST 4011/6011-4011L/6011L: Food Processing I
FDST 4400 Senior Project
FDST 8060-8060L Advanced Food Processes

Selected Recent Publications

Dag D, Singh RK, Kong F*. 2020. Developments in radio frequency pasteurization of food powders. Food Reviews International.

Li Y, Fortner L, Kong F*. 2019. Development of a Gastric Simulation Model (GSM) incorporating gastric geometry and peristalsis for food digestion study. Food Research International.

Liu L, Kong F*. 2019. In vitro investigation of the influence of nano-fibrillated cellulose on lipid digestion and absorption. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 139: 361-6.

Dag D, Singh RK, Kong F*. 2019. Dielectric properties, effect of geometry, and quality changes of whole, nonfat milk powder and their mixtures associated with radio frequency heating. Journal of Food Engineering. 261:40-50.

Liu L, Kerr WL, Kong F*. 2019. Characterization of lipid emulsions during in vitro digestion in  the presence of three types of nanocellulose. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. 545: 317-29.

Lin YJ, Shatkin JA, Kong F*. 2019. Evaluating mucoadhesion properties of three types of nanocellulose in the gastrointestinal tract in vitro and ex vivo. Carbohydrate Polymers. 210: 157-66.

Ozturk S, Liu S, Xu J, Tang J, Chen J, Singh RK, Kong F*. 2019. Inactivation of Salmonella Enteritidis and Enterococcus faecium NRRL B-2354 in corn flour by radio frequency heating with subsequent freezing. LWT-Food Science and Technology. 111: 782-9.

Liu L. and Kong F*. 2019. Influence of nanocellulose on in vitro digestion of whey protein isolate. Carbohydrate Polymers. 210: 399-411.

Liu L, Kerr WL, Kong F*, Dee DR, Lin M. 2018. Influence of nano-fibrillated cellulose (NFC) on starch digestion and glucose absorption. Carbohydrate Polymers. 196: 146-53.

Do DH, Kong F*. 2018. Texture changes and protein hydrolysis in different cheeses under simulated gastric environment. LWT-Food Science & Technology. 93: 197-203.

Ozturk S, Kong F*, Singh RK, Kuzy JD, Li C. 2018. Dielectric properties, heating rate and heating uniformity of various seasoning spices and their mixtures with radio frequency heating. Journal of Food Engineering. 228:128-41.

Ozturk S, Kong F*, Singh RK, Kuzy JD, Li C. 2017. Radio frequency heating of corn flour: Heating rate and uniformity. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies. 44(12): 191- 201.  

Flores FP, Kong F*. 2017. In Vitro Release Kinetics of Microencapsulated Materials and the Effect of the Food Matrix. Annual Review of Food Science and Technology. 8: 237-59.  

Wright ND, Kong F*, BS Williams, L Fortner. 2016. A human duodenum model (HDM) to study transport and digestion of intestinal contents. Journal of Food Engineering. 171: 129-136.