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Description of Research Interests
Dr. Zhou's research interest is using advanced food science and technologies to create future foods and biomaterials. To be successful, Dr. Zhou and her students use or develop a variety of food and chemistry techniques to understand their potential fundamentals, design, and applications, including the experimental techniques (such as food nanotechnologies, emulsion technologies, and INFOGEST in vitro digestion model) and computing techniques (such as quantum chemistry, molecular modeling and dynamics, and data analysis). Dr. Zhou is anticipating many potential collaborations with other research groups and companies, and together advance the development of next-generation food systems. Her ongoing projects mainly focus on:
1) how to effectively encapsulate, protect, and deliver bioactive agents
2) revealing physicochemical fundamentals in creating sustainable foods and biomaterials with desirable attributes.
Selected Recent Publications
H. Zhou *, G. Vu, Q. Ju, D.J. McClements *, Development of plant-based whole egg analogs using emulsion technology, Food Research International, 2024, 187, 114406. DOI
R.F.S Gonçalves, H. Zhou, A.A. Vicente, A.C. Pinheiro, D.J. McClements, Plant-based bigels for delivery of bioactive compounds: Influence of hydrogel:oleogel ratio and protein concentration on their physicochemical properties, Food Hydrocolloids, 2024, 150, 109721. DOI
J. Ryu., H. Zhou *, D.J. McClements *, In vitro Digestibility and Gastrointestinal Fate of Plant-based Chicken Analogs Prepared Using a Soft Matter Physics Approach, Food Biophysics, 2024, 19, 109-119. DOI
Q. Ju, C. Wu, H. Zhou, D. Qin, X. Hu, D.J. McClements, G. Luan, Roles of soybean β-conglycinin subunit fractions in fibril formation and the effects of glycinin on them, Food Hydrocolloids, 2024, 152, 109906. DOI
H. Zhou, B. Zheng, D.J. McClements, Utilization of pH-driven methods to fortify nanoemulsions with multiple polyphenols, Food Science and Human Wellness, 2023. DOI
Q. Ju, J. Wang, H. Zhou, D. Qin, X. Hu, D.J. McClements, G. Luan, Influence of pH and ionic strength on the physicochemical and structural properties of soybean β-conglycinin subunits in aqueous dispersions, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2023, 253, 126927. DOI
B. Zheng #, H. Zhou #, D.J. McClements, Co-Encapsulation of Multiple Polyphenols in Plant-Based Milks: Formulation, Gastrointestinal Stability, and Bioaccessibility, Foods, 2023, 12, 3432. DOI
A. Csuti, B. Zheng, H. Zhou *, Post pH-driven encapsulation of polyphenols in next-generation foods: principles, formation and applications, Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 2023, 1-15. DOI
X. Hu, H. Zhou, D.J. McClements, Impact of dispersion conditions and coacervation on fibril formation in gellan gum-potato protein mixtures, Food Hydrocolloids, 2023, 145, 109153. DOI
H. Zhou #, X. Hu #, X. Xiang, D.J. McClements, Modification of textural attributes of potato protein gels using salts, polysaccharides, and transglutaminase: Development of plant-based foods, Food Hydrocolloids, 2023, 144, 108909. DOI
J. Ryu, X. Xiang, X. Hu, S.E. Rosenfeld, D. Qin, H. Zhou *, D.J. McClements *, Assembly of plant-based meat analogs using soft matter physics: A coacervation-shearing-gelation approach, Food Hydrocolloids, 2023, 142, 108817. DOI
H. Zhou #, Y. Tan #, D.J. McClements, Applications of the INFOGEST In Vitro Digestion Model to Foods: A Review, Annual Review of Food Science and Technology, 2023, 14, 135-156. DOI
H. Zhou, D. Qin, G. Vu, D.J. McClements, Impact of Operating Parameters on the Production of Nanoemulsions Using a High-Pressure Homogenizer with Flow Pattern and Back Pressure Control, Colloids and Interfaces, 2023, 7, 21. DOI
G. Vu, X. Xiang, H. Zhou *, D.J. McClements *, Lutein-Fortified Plant-Based Egg Analogs Designed to Improve Eye Health: Formation, Characterization, In Vitro Digestion, and Bioaccessibility, Foods, 2023, 12, 2. DOI
H. Zhou, G. Vu, D.J. McClements, Formulation and characterization of plant-based egg white analogs using RuBisCO protein, Food Chemistry, 2022, 397, 133808. DOI
G. Vu, H. Zhou *, D.J. McClements *, Impact of cooking method on properties of beef and plant-based burgers: Appearance, texture, thermal properties, and shrinkage, Journal of Agriculture and Food Research, 2022, 9, 100355. DOI
X. Hu, H. Zhou, D.J. McClements, Utilization of emulsion technology to create plant-based adipose tissue analogs: Soy-based high internal phase emulsions, Food Structure, 2022, 33, 100290. DOI
H. Zhou, G. Vu, X. Gong, D.J. McClements, Comparison of the Cooking Behaviors of Meat and Plant-Based Meat Analogues: Appearance, Texture, and Fluid Holding Properties, ACS Food Science & Technology, 2022, 2, 844-851. DOI
H. Zhou, D.J. McClements, Recent Advances in the Gastrointestinal Fate of Organic and Inorganic Nanoparticles in Foods, Nanomaterials, 2022, 12, 1099. DOI
Y. Tan #, H. Zhou #, D.J. McClements, Application of static in vitro digestion models for assessing the bioaccessibility of hydrophobic bioactives: A review, Trends in Food Science & Technology, 2022, 122, 314-327. DOI
#: Co-first author; *: Corresponding author