Jinru Chen

Professor Food Science & Technology
Portrait of Jinru Chen
Contact Information jchen@uga.edu 770-412-4738

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Description of Research Interests

Molecular detection and characterization of foodborne bacterial pathogens; epidemiological typing, bacterial stress response, microbial physiology and pathogenicity and control of pathogens and their toxins in food.


Selected Recent Publications

Cui, Y., D. Liu, and J. Chen. 2018. Fate of Salmonella enterica and enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli cells attached to vegetable seeds during germination. Food Control. 88:229-235.

Quansah, J., A. Kunadu, F. Saalia, J. Diez-Perez, and J. Chen. 2018. Microbial quality of leafy green vegetables grown or sold around the Accra metropolis, Ghana. Food Control. 86:302-309.

Liu, D., Y. Cui, R. Walcott, and J. Chen. 2018. Fate of Salmonella enterica and pathogenic E. coli cells artificially internalized into vegetable seeds during germination. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 84:e01888-17.

Xu, Y., S. Tao, N. Hinkle, M. A. Harrison, and J. Chen. 2018. Salmonella including antibiotic resistant Salmonella isolated from flies captured from cattle farms in Georgia, USA. Sci. Total Environ. 616-617:90-96.

Akoto, E. Y., Y. A. F. Klu, M. Lamptey, J. Y. Asibuo, M. Heflin, R. D. Phillips, D. Jordan, J. Rhoads, D. Hoisington, and J. Chen. 2017. Use of solar drying to improve the quality of peanuts and peanut seeds in Ghana. Peanut Sci. https://doi.org/10.3146/PS17-3.1

Han, R., Y. A. F. Klu, and J. Chen. 2017. Attachment and biofilm formation by selected strains of Salmonella enterica and enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli of fresh produce origin. Food Sci. 82:1285-1286.

Akoto, E. Y., Y. A. K. Klu, M. Lamptey, J. Y. Asibuo, J. Davis, R. D. Phillips, D. Jordan, J. Rhoads, D. Hoisington, and J. Chen. 2017. Effect of composting on aflatoxin decontamination of peanut meal. World Mycotoxin J. 10:131-141.

Cui, Y, R. Walcott, and J. Chen. 2017. Differential attachment of Salmonella enterica and enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli to alfalfa, lettuce, tomato, and fenugreek seeds. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 83:e03170-e03176.

Chen, J., A. Bachman, Y. A. F. Klu, and R. D. Phillips. 2016. Survival of probiotics in hypromellose capsules with rice or potato maltodextrin excipient. J. Food Sci. 81:M2793-M2798.

Klu, Y. A F., R. D. Phillips, and J. Chen. 2016. Development of a drinkable, peanut-based dietary supplement and comparison of its nutritional and microbiological qualities with commercial products. J. Food Sci. 81:H1309-1312.

Klu, Y., A. F., and J. Chen. 2016. Influence of probiotics in peanut butter on the fate of selected Salmonella and Listeria strains under simulated gastrointestinal conditions. J. Appl. Microbiol. 120:1052-1060.

Lee, C., J. Chen, and J. F. Frank. 2016. Influence of extra-cellular cellulose and colonic acid production on the survival of Shiga toxin producing Escherichia coli on spinach and lettuce after chlorine treatment. J. Food Prot. 79:666-671.

Lee, C., J. Chen, and J. F. Frank. 2015. The role of cellulose and colanic acid in attachment of Shiga toxin–producing Escherichia coli to lettuce and spinach in different water hardness environments. J. Food Prot. 78:1461-1466.

Lu, H., J. Zhu, J. Li, and J. Chen. 2015. Effectiveness of sustained antimicrobial packaging on control of Escherichia coli O157:H7 on iceberg lettuce. J. Food Sci. 80:M1325-M1329.

Liu, X-F., Y. Li, J-R. Li, L-Y. Cai, X-X. Li, J. Chen, and S-X. Lyu. 2015. Isolation and characterization of Bacillus spp. Antagonistic to Vibrio parahaemolyticus for use as probiotics in aquaculture. World J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 31:795-803.

Park, Y. J., and J. Chen. 2015. Control of biofilms of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli using treatments with organic acids and commercial sanitizers. J. Food Prot. 78:990-995.

Klu, Y. A. F., and J. Chen. 2015. Effect of peanut butter matrices on the fate of probiotics during simulated gastrointestinal passage. LWT- Food Sci. Technol. 52:983-988.

Ma, X. S. Yi, Y. Yu, J. Li, and J. Chen. 2015. Changes in gel properties and water properties of Nemipterus virgatus surimi gel induced by high pressure processing. LWT – Food Sci. Technol. 61:377-384.

Bechman, A., R. D. Phillips, and J. Chen. 2015. The use of nutrient optimizing/cost minimizing software to develop ready-to-use therapeutic foods for malnourished pregnant women in Mali. Food Sci. Nutri. 3:110-119.

Klu, Y. A. F., R. D. Phillips, and J. Chen. 2014. Survival of four commercial probiotic mixtures in full fat and reduced fat peanut butter. Food Micro. 44:34-40.

Qiu, H-Y., X-P. Li,L-Y. Meng, J-F. Liu, J-R. Li, and J. Chen. 2014. Influence of inhibitory substances on the mobility of Vibrio parahemolyticus. Food Sci. Biotechnol. 5:480-485.

Adetunji, V., A. Kehinde, O. Bolatito, and J. Chen. 2014. Biofilms formed by Mycobacterium bovis on cement, ceramic and stainless steel surface and their controls. BioMed Res. Intl. Article ID 210165, 7 pages, DOI: 10.1155/2014/210165.

Adetunji, V., A. Kehinde, O. Bolatito, and J. Chen. 2014. Biofilms formed by Mycobacterium tuberculosis on cement, ceramic and stainless steel surface and their controls. J. Food Prot. 4:599-604.

Li, T-T.., J.-R. Li, W-Z., H, J. Chen, and H.-J. Li. 2014. Protein changes in post mortem large yellow croaker (Pseudosciaena crocea) monitored by SDS-PAGE and proteome analysis. Food Control. 41:49-55.

Adetunji, V. O., I. O. Famakin, and J. Chen. 2014. Lead and cadmium levels in cattle muscle and edible tissues collected from a slaughter slab in Nigeria. Food Addit. Contam. B. 7:79-83.

Li, T.-T., J.-R. Li, J. Chen, Q.-F. Ni, H.-J. Chen, and Y.-J. Li. 2013. Influence of rosemary extracts on the shelf life of large yellow croaker (Pseudosciaena crocea). Sci. Technol. Food Ind. 34:313-317.

Nabuuma, D., D. Nakimbugwe, Y. Byaruhanga, F. K. Saalia, R. D. Phillips, and J. Chen, 2013. Formulation of a drinkable peanut-based therapeutic food for malnourished children using plant sources. Intl. J. Food Sci. & Nutr. 64:467-475.

Chen, J. and A. L. Brody. 2013. Use of antimicrobial/modified atmosphere packaging structures to control the microbial quality of a ready-to-eat meat product. Food Control. 30:306-310.

Anim-Fofie, M., M. Steiner-Asiedu, J. Setorglo, F. Saalia, D. Nakimbugwe, J. Chen, and R. Philips. 2013Assessment of the dietary intake of women of reproductive age in the GA east district, Accra-Ghana. Ann Nutr. Metabol. 63:1405-1405.

Klu, Y. A. F., J. H. Williams, R. D. Phillips, and J. Chen. 2012. Survival of Lactobacillus Rhamnosus GG in full fat and reduced fat peanut butter as influenced by storage conditions and product matrixes. J. Food Sci. 77:M659-M663.

Bechman, A., R. D. Phillips, and J. Chen. 2012. Changes in physical properties and enzyme activity of rice and barley koji during fermentation and storage. J. Food Sci. 77:M318-M322.

Zhu, J., J. Li, and J. Chen. 2012. Salmonellae in home style mayonnaise and six different acidulants with or without the chemical preservatives used by wine vinegar and lemon juice manufacturers. J. Food Prot. 3:465-471.

Yoo, B. K., and J. Chen. 2012. Role of exopolysaccharides in protecting the cells of Shiga toxin producing Escherichia coli against oxidative and acidic stress. Food Control. 23:289-292.

Park, Y. J., and J. Chen. 2011. Inactivation of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli and degradation/removal of cellulose from STEC surfaces using selected enzymatic and chemical treatments. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 77:8532-8537.

Park, Y. J., and J. Chen. 2011. Deviating the antimicrobial activities of selected organic acids and commercial detergents with various neutralizing agents. J. Food Prot. 74: 820-825.

Adetunji, V. O., and J. Chen. 2011. Effect of temperature and modified vacuum packaging on microbial quality of wara. Res. J. Microbiol. 6:402-409.

Park, Y. J., R. Biswas, R. D. Phillips, and J Chen. 2011. Antibacterial activities of blueberry and muscadine phenolics.  J. Food Sci. 76: M101-M105.

Adetunji, V. O., and J. Chen. 2010. Fate of Listeria monocytogenes and members of the Enterobacteriaceae along the processing line of “wara”, a Southwestern Nigerian cheese. Afr. J. Med. Sci. 39:185-191.

Adetunji, V. O., and J. Chen. 2010. Survival of bacteria and fungi during manufacture and storage of local cheese. Trop. Vet. 27:15-24.

Yoo, B. K., and J. Chen.  2010. Role of extracellular polysaccharide polysaccharides in protecting the cells of Shiga toxin producing Escherichia coli against osmotic stress and chlorine treatment. J. Food Prot. 73:2084-2088.

Chen, J., E. Bontenbal, and S. Bouman. 2010. Influence calcium lactate-calcium gluconate combination and other calcium salt or mixtures on the fate of salmonellae in artificially inoculated orange juice. Food Prot. Trends 30:477-482.

Yoo, B. K., T. Stewart, J. Guard-Bouldin, M. Musgrove, R. Gust, and J. Chen. 2010. Selection and characterization of cellulose deficient mutants of Shiga toxin producing Escherichia coli. J. Food Prot. 73:1038-1046.