Kevin Mis Solval

Associate Professor Food Science & Technology
Portrait of Kevin Mis Solval
Contact Information 770-412-4741

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Description of Research Interests

Research focuses on (1) designing novel food ingredients from food industry by-products; (2) developing computer simulation models as an engineering tool for optimizing food processing conditions in spray drying and cryogenic freezing of foods and (3) studying the effect of particle size and BET surface area of dried food powders on nutrient retention and bioavailability of bioactives.

Selected Recent Publications

Gurdian C., A. Chouljenko, K. Mis Solval, C. Boeneke, J. King, and S. Sathivel. 2017. Application of Edible Films Containing Oregano (Origanum vulgare) Essential Oil on Queso Blanco Cheese Prepared with Flaxseed (Linum usitatissimum) Oil. J Food Sci 82(6):1395-1401

Gurdian C., V. Reyes, E. Kyereh, F. Bonilla, C. Galindo, A. Chouljenko, K. Mis Solval, C. Boeneke, J. King, and S. Sathivel. 2017. Incorporating flaxseed (linum usitatissimum) oil into queso blanco at different stages of the cheese manufacturing process. J Food Process Pres (Accepted). doi: 10.1111/jfpp.13279

Chouljenko, A., A. Chotiko, M. Mis Solval, K. Mis Solval and S. Sathivel. 2016. Chitosan nanoparticle penetration into shrimp muscle and its effects on the microbial quality. Food Bioprocess Technology (Accepted). doi:10.1007/s11947-016-1805-z

Mis Solval, K., J.D. Bankston, P.J. Bechtel, and S. Sathivel. 2016. Physicochemical properties of microencapsulated omega-3 salmon oil with egg white powder. J Food Sci 81(3):E600-E609.

Simon-Brown, K., K. Mis Solval, A. Chotiko, L. Alfaro, V. Reyes, C. Liu, B. Dzandu, E. Kyereh, A. Goldson Barnaby, I. Thompson, Z. Xu, and S. Sathivel. 2016. Microencapsulation of ginger (Zingiber officinale) extract by spray drying technology. LWT – Food Sci and Technol. 70: 119-125

Mohideen, F.W., J. Stine, P.J. Bechtel, K. Mis Solval, J.D. Bankston, and S. Sathivel. 2015. Effects of blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum) juice on lipid oxidation during spray drying of microencapsulation of menhaden oil. Int J Food Prop 18(5): 1139 – 1153.

Mohideen, F.W., K. Mis Solval, J. Li, J. Zhang, A. Chouljenko, A. Chotiko, A.D. Prudente, J.D. Bankston, and S. Sathivel. 2015. Effect of continuous ultra-sonication on microbial counts and physic-chemical properties of blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum) juice. LWT- Food Sci and Technol. 60(1):563-570.

Li J., K. Mis Solval, L. Alfaro, J. Zhang, A. Chotiko, J.L. Brandao-Delgado, A. Chouljenko, J.D. Bankston, P.J. Bechtel, and S. Sathivel. 2015. Effect of blueberry extract from blueberry pomace on the microencapsulated fish oil. J Food Process Pres 39(2): 199-206.

Mis Solval, K., L. Espinoza-Rodezno, M. Moncada, J.D. Bankston, and S. Sathivel. 2014. Evaluation of chitosan nanoparticles as a glazing material for cryogenically frozen shrimp. LWT-Food Sci and Technol. 57(1):172-180.

Wan Y., L. Espinoza Rodezno, K. Mis Solval, J. Li, and S. Sathivel. 2014. Optimization of soluble dietary fiber extraction from defatted rice bran using response surface methodology. J Food Process Pres. 38(1):441-448.

Xiang B., S. Sundararajan, K. Mis Solval, K. Aryana, and S. Sathivel. 2014. Effect of pulsed electric fields on physicochemical properties and microbial inactivation of carrot juice. J Food Process Pres 38(4): 1556-1564.

Kosal Ram A., L. Espinoza-Rodezno, J. King, R. Cueto, K. Mis Solval, and S. Sathivel. 2013. Application of honey powder in bread and its effect on bread characteristics. Food Processing & Technology. 4(11):279-288.

Espinoza-Rodezno L.A., S. Sundararajan, K. Mis Solval, A. Chotiko, J.L. Li, J. Zhang, L. Alfaro, J.D. Bankston, and S. Sathivel. 2013. Cryogenic and air-blast freezing techniques and their effect on the quality of catfish fillets. LWT-Food Sci and Technol. 54 (2): 377-382.

Faculty Focus with Dr. Kevin Mis Solval