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Description of Research Interests
Research mainly focuses on sensory analysis (descriptive analysis and consumer acceptability) of commodity (mainly beef) and consumer food products. A current research foci include determining emotional response of consumers when consuming food and beverages, determining the relevance of sensory analysis and consumer behavior in food choice and nutrition in combating obesity in adolescents, and using multivariate statistical analyses to study relationships between descriptive data and consumer acceptability data and/or chemical flavor data (GC-MS).
Selected Recent Publications
Heo, J., Adhikari, K., Choi, K. S., & Lee, J. (2020). Analysis of caffeine, chlorogenic acid, trigonelline, and volatile compounds in cold brew coffee using high-performance liquid chromatography and solid-phase microextraction-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Foods, 9(12), 20 pages.
Jere, A. D., Mwangwela, A. M., Mlotha, V., Phan, U. T. X., & Adhikari, K. (2020). Acceptability of traditional cooked pumpkin leaves seasoned with peanut flour processed from blanched, deskinned and raw peanuts of different varieties. Scientific African, 10, e00598.
Kim, M. -R., Chung, S. -J., Adhikari, K., Shin, H., Cho, H., & Nam, Y. (2020). Cross-cultural consumer acceptability for ethnic fermented sauce products: Comparisons among Korean, UAE, and US Consumers. Foods, 9(10), 16 pages.
Kim, J., & Adhikari, K*. (2020). Current trends in kombucha: Marketing perspectives and the need for improved sensory research. Beverages, 6, 18 pages.
Gama, A. P., Mwangwela, A. M., Gichohi-Wainaina, W. N., & Adhikari, K*. (2020). Sensory and nutritional properties of peanut-based beverages: a promising solution for undernutrition in Malawi and possibly beyond. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 100(6), 2460-2467.
Zheng, R., Zhao, T., Hung, Y. -C., & Adhikari, K. (2019). Evaluation of bactericidal effects of phenyllactic acid on Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Salmonella Typhimurium on beef meat. Journal of Food Protection, 82(12), 2016-2022.
Wang, S., Tonnis, B. D., Wang, M. L., Zhang, S., & Adhikari, K*. (2019). Investigation of monosodium glutamate alternatives for content of umami substances and their enhancement effects in chicken soup compared to monosodium glutamate. Journal of Food Science, 84(11), 3275-3283
Heo, J., Choi, K. S., Wang, S., Adhikari, K., & Lee, J. (2019). Cold brew coffee: Consumer acceptability and characterization using the Check-All-That-Apply (CATA) Method. Foods, 8(8), 14 pages.
Gama, A. P., & Adhikari, K*. (2019). Sensory characterization of dominant Malawi peanutvarieties after roasting. Journal of Food Science, 84(6), 1554-1562.
Erickson, M. C., Liao, J. -Y., Payton, A. S., Cook, P. W., Adhikari, K., Wang, S., Bautista, J., & Díaz Pérez, J. C. (2019). Efficacy of acetic acid or chitosan for reducing the prevalence of Salmonella- and Escherichia coli O157:H7-contaminated leafy green plants in field Systems. Journal of Food Protection, 82(5), 854-861.
Gama, A. P., Hung, Y. -C., & Adhikari, K*. (2019). Optimization of emulsifier and stabilizer concentrations in a model peanut-based beverage system: A mixture design approach. Foods, 8(4), 11 pages.
Bhumiratana, N., Wolf, M., Chambers IV, E., & Adhikari, K*. (2019). Coffee Drinking and Emotions: Are There Key Sensory Drivers for Emotions? Beverages, 5(2), 27, 13 pages.
Wang, S., Zhang, S., & Adhikari, K*. (2019). Influence of monosodium glutamate and its substitutes on sensory characteristics and consumer perceptions of chicken soup. Foods, 8(2), 16 pages.
Muturi, N., Kidd, T., Daniels, A. M., Kattelmann, K. K., Khan, T., Lindshield, E., Zeis, S., & Adhikari, K. (2018). Examining the role of youth empowerment in preventing adolescence obesity in low-income communities. Journal of Adolescence, 68, 242-251.
Gama, A. P., Adhikari, K.*, & Hoisington, D. A. (2018). Factors influencing food choices of Malawian consumers: A food choice questionnaire approach. Journal of Sensory Studies, 33(5), 9 pages.
Wang, S., & Adhikari, K*. (2018). Consumer perceptions and other influencing factors about monosodium glutamate in the United States. Journal of Sensory Studies, 33(4), 9 pages.
Gama, A., Adhikari, K.*, & Hoisington, D. (2018). Peanut consumption in Malawi: An opportunity for innovation. Foods, 7, 13 pages.
Opoku-Acheampong, A., Kidd, T., Adhikari, K., Muturi, N., & Kattelmann, K. (2018). Assessing physical activity, fruit, vegetable, and sugar-sweetened beverage intake patterns of college students in Kansas. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 50(10), 977-983.
Maxwell, A., Bowker, B., Zhuang, H., Chatterjee, D., & Adhikari, K. (2018). Descriptive sensory analysis of marinated and non-marinated wooden breast fillet portions. Poultry Science, 97(8), 2971-2978.
Bowker, B., Maxwell, A., Zhuang, H., & Adhikari, K. (2018). Marination and cooking performance of portioned broiler breast fillets with the wooden breast condition. Poultry Science, 97(8), 2966-2970.
Xuan Phan, U. T., Belisle, C., Adhikari, K., & Chavez Velasquez, D. (2018). A fruit quality survey of peach cultivars grown in the Southeastern United States. HortTechnology, 28(2), 189-201.
Smith, C., Adhikari, K.*, & Singh, R. K. (2018). Using infrared radiation in a radiant wall oven for blanching small-sized peanuts. Journal of Food Quality, Article ID 3267818, 9 pages.
Wang, S., Adhikari, K*. & Hung, Y.-C. (2017). Effects of short storage on consumer acceptability and volatile compound profile of roasted peanuts. Food Packaging and Shelf Life, 13, 27-34.
Bell, B., Adhikari, K.*, Chambers, E., Alavi, S., King, S., & Haub, M. (2017). Spices in a product affect emotions: A study with an extruded snack product. Foods, 6(8), 13 pages.
Kim, H.-Y., Jackson, D., Adhikari, K., Riner, C., Sanchez-Brambila, G. (2017). Relationship between consumer acceptability and pungency-related flavor compounds of Vidalia onions. Journal of Food Science, 82(10), 2396-2402.
Wang S, Tonnis BD, Wang ML, Zhang S, Adhikari K. 2019. Investigation of monosodium glutamate alternatives for content of umami substances and their enhancement effects in chicken soup compared to monosodium glutamate. Journal of Food Science (Accepted).
Heo J, Choi KS, Wang S, Adhikari K, Lee J. 2019. Cold brew coffee: consumer acceptability and characterization using the check-all-that-apply (CATA) method. Foods 2019, 8, 344.
Gama A, Adhikari K. 2019. Sensory characterization of dominant Malawi peanut varieties after roasting. Journal of Food Science 84: 1554-1562.
Gama A, Hung Y-C, Adhikari K. 2019. Optimization of emulsifier and stabilizer concentrations in a model peanut-based beverage system: A mixture design approach. Foods 8(4), 116; https://doi.org/10.3390/foods8040116.
Bhumiratana N, Wolf M, Chambers IV E, Adhikari K. 2019. Coffee drinking and emotions: are there key sensory drivers for emotions? Beverages 5(2), 27; https://doi.org/10.3390/beverages5020027.
Wang S, Zhang S, Adhikari K. 2019. Influence of monosodium glutamate and its substitutes on sensory characteristics and consumer perceptions of chicken soup. Foods 8(2), 71; https://doi.org/10.3390/foods8020071.
Gama A, Adhikari K, Hoisington D. 2018. Factors influencing food choice of Malawian consumers: A food choice questionnaire approach. Journal of Sensory Studies 33(5): e12442.
Gama A, Adhikari K, Hoisington D. 2018. Peanut consumption in Malawi: An opportunity for innovation. Foods 7(7), 112; https://doi.org/10.3390/foods7070112.
Bowker BC, Maxwell AD, Zhuang H, Adhikari K. 2018. Marination and cooking performance of portioned broiler breast fillets with the wooden breast condition. Poultry Science 97: 2966-2970.
Wang S, Adhikari K. 2018. Consumer perceptions and other influencing factors about monosodium glutamate in the United States. Journal of Sensory Studies 33(4): e12437.
Maxwell AD, Bowker BC, Zhuang H, Chatterjee D, Adhikari K. 2018. Descriptive sensory analysis of marinated and non-marinated wooden breast fillet portions. Poultry Science 97: 2971-2978.
Belisle C, Phan UTX, Adhikari K, Chavez DJ. 2018. A fruit quality survey of peach cultivars grown in the southeastern United States. HortTechnology 28: 189-201.
Smith C, Adhikari K, Singh RK. 2018. Using infrared radiation in a radiant wall oven for blanching small-sized peanuts. Journal of Food Quality doi:10.1155/2018/3267818, 9 pages.
Kim H-Y, Jackson D, Adhikari K, Riner C, Sanchez-Brambila G. 2017. Relationship between consumer acceptability and pungency-related flavor compounds of Vidalia onions. Journal of Food Science 82: 2396-402.
Belisle C, Adhikari K, Chavez D, Phan UTX. 2017. Development of a lexicon for flavor and texture of fresh peach cultivars. Journal of Sensory Studies, doi: 10.1111/joss.12276, 1-11.
Bell B, Adhikari K, Chamber IV E, Alavi S, King S, Haub M. 2017. Spices in a Product Affect Emotions: A Study with an Extruded Snack Product. Foods 6(8), 70.
Wang S, Adhikari K, Hung Y-C. Effects of short storage on sensory and volatile compound profile of roasted peanuts. Food Packaging and Shelf Life 13: 27-34.
Kettler K, Adhikari K, Singh RK. 2017. Blanchability and sensory quality of large runner peanuts blanched in a radiant wall oven using infrared radiation. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, doi: 10.1002/jsfa.8332, 1-8.
Xu J, Zhang W, Adhikari K, Shi Y-C. 2017. Determination of volatile compounds in heat-treated straight-grade flours from normal and waxy wheats. Journal of Cereal Science 77: 77-83.
Wang S, Adhikari K, Hung Y-C. 2017. Acceptability and preference drivers of freshly roasted peanuts. Journal of Food Science 82: 174-84.
Warmund M, Kwasniewski M, Elmore J, Thomas A, Adhikari K. 2016. Sensory attributes of juice from North American-grown elderberry cultivars. HortScience 51: 1561-5.
Kenney E, Adhikari K. 2016. Recent developments in identifying and quantifying emotions during food consumption. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 96: 3627–30. Review article.
Comstock C, Kattelmann K, Zastrow M, McCormack L, Lindshield E, Li Y, Muturi N, Adhikari K, Kidd T. 2016. Assessing the environment for support of youth physical activity in rural communities. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior 48, 234-41.
Muturi NW, Kidd T, Khan T, Kattelmann K, Zies S, Lindshield E and Adhikari K. 2016. An examination of factors associated with self-efficacy for food choice and healthy eating among low-income adolescents in three US states. Frontiers in Communication 1:6 pp 1-9, doi:10.3389/fcomm.2016.00006.
Kidd T, Lindshield E, Kattelmann K, Adhikari K, Muturi N, Zeis S. (2016) Ignite-sparking youth to create healthy communities: A protocol for a community-centered one effort for the prevention of adolescent obesity. International Journal of Nursing & Clinical Practices 3:189, doi: 10.15344/2394-4978/2016/189, 1-6.
Chitra U, Adhikari K, Radhika MS, Balakrishna N. 2016. Neophobic tendencies and dietary behavior in a cohort of female college students from southern India. Journal of Sensory Studies 31: 70-77.
Legako JF, Dinh TTN, Miller MF, Adhikari K, Brooks JC. 2016. Consumer palatability scores, sensory descriptive attributes, and volatile compounds of grilled beef steaks from three USDA quality grades. Meat Science 112:77-85.