Laurel Dunn

Associate Professor and Extension Coordinator Food Science & Technology
Portrait of Laurel Dunn
Contact Information 706-542-0993
Mailing Address Athens, CAES Campus 100 Cedar St., Rm 211, Athens, GA 30602
Shipping Address Athens, CAES Campus 100 Cedar St., Rm 240B, Athens, GA 30602

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Portrait of Laurel Dunn

Description of Research Interests

Food Microbiology; Produce safety; Microbial risks associated with soil amendments and agricultural water; Stress response of enteric pathogens on plant tissues.

Extension Activities

On-farm/Packinghouse microbial safety; Food Safety Modernization Act implementation; Processed foods.

Selected Recent Publications

Rodrigues C., B. Oleson, L. L. Dunn. 2020. Food Safety Needs Assessment for Georgia Specialty Crops. J Ext 58(4): v58-4rb8

Dev Kumar, G., A. Mishra, L. Dunn, I. Chukwuma, A. Townsend, K. R. Bright, C. P. Gerba. 2020. Biocides and novel antimicrobial agents for the mitigation of coronaviruses. Front Microbiol 11:1351

Rodrigues C., A. L. B. R. da Silva, L. L. Dunn. 2020. Factors impacting the prevalence of foodborne pathogens in agricultural water sources in the southeastern United States. Water 12(1):51.

L. L. Dunn, D. M. Smith, F. J. Critzer. 2020. Transcriptomic behavior of Salmonella enterica Newport in response to oxidative sanitizers. J Food Prot 14:221-232

Baker C. A., J. Dea, B. Bertoldia, L. Dunn, T. Chapin, M. Jay-Russell, M. D. Danyluk, K. Schneider. 2019. Prevalence and concentration of stx+ E. coli and E. coli O157 in bovine manure from Florida farms. PloS One 14(5):e0217445.

McEgan, R., L. L. Dunn, M. D. Danyluk. 2019. Survival of Salmonella on lemon and lime slices and subsequent transfer to beverages. Food Prot Trends 39:154-161.

Dunn, L. L., M. L. Harness, D. M. Smith, S. J. Gorman, Q. Zhong, P. M. Davidson, and F. J. Critzer. 2019. Essential oil emulsions as postharvest sanitizers to mitigate Salmonella cross-contamination on peppers. J. Food Prot. 82:159-163.

Danyluk, M. D., L. M. Friedrich, L. L. Dunn, J. Zhang, and M. A. Ritenour. 2018. Reduction of Escherichia coli, as a surrogate for Salmonella spp., on the surface of grapefruit during various packingline processes. Food Micro. 78:188-193.

Dunn L.L., P.M Davidson, and F.J. Critzer. 2016. Antimicrobial efficacy of an array of essential oils against lactic acid bacteria. J. Food Sci. 81:M438-444.