Ronald Pegg

Josiah Meigs Distinguished Teaching Professor Food Science & Technology
Portrait of Ronald Pegg
Mailing Address Athens, CAES Campus UGA, Food Science & Technology Room 302, Athens, GA 30602
Shipping Address Athens, CAES Campus UGA, Food Science & Technology Room 302, Athens, GA 30602

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Portrait of Ronald Pegg

Description of Research Interests
Functional foods and nutraceuticals; bioactive properties of phytochemicals; separation and identification of bioactives; analysis of nutrients; shelf-life extension strategies; lipid oxidation; meat science/chemistry; development of analytical assays for foods.

Courses Taught
FYOS 1001: First Year Odyssey Seminar: Coffee Technology
FDST 3000: Introduction to Food Science & Technology
FDST 4080/4080L – 6080/6080L: Instrumental Methods of Food Analysis
FDST 7007E: Directed Project in Food Science
FDST 7020E: Integration of Multidisciplinary Topics in Foods
FDST 7070E: Functional Foods
FDST 8410: Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals
FDST 4800/8800: Special Problems in Food Science

Selected Recent Publications (listed chronologically)

Amarowicz R & Pegg RB. 2020. Tree nuts and peanuts as a source of natural antioxidants in our daily diet. Current Pharmaceutical Design, 26, 1898-1916.

Amarowicz R & Pegg RB. 2020. Chapter 6. Protection of natural antioxidants against low-density lipoprotein oxidation. In: Toldrá F (ed.), Advances in Food and Nutrition Research, Volume 93, 251-291. London, UK: Academic Press.

Duong QH & Pegg RB. 2020. Chapter 2. Quantitation of inositol phosphates by HPLC-ESI-MS. In: Miller, GJ (ed.), Inositol Phosphates. Methods and Protocols, Volume 2091, 31-37. New York, NY: Humana Press.

Gong Y, Pegg RB, Kerrihard AL, Lewis BE & Heerema RJ. 2020. Pecan kernel phenolics content and antioxidant capacity are enhanced by mechanical pruning and higher fruit position in the tree canopy. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science, 145, 193-202.

Liao X, Brock AA, Jackson BT, Greenspan P & Pegg RB. 2020. The cellular antioxidant and anti-glycation capacities of phenolics from Georgia peaches. Food Chemistry, 316, 126234, 8 p.

Liao X, Greenspan P, Srivastava A & Pegg RB. 2020. Characterizing the phenolic constituents of U.S. Southeastern blackberry cultivars. Journal of Berry Research, 10, 311-327.

Robinson JA, Bierwirth JE, Greenspan P & Pegg RB. 2020. Blackberry polyphenols: review of composition, quantity, and health impacts from in vitro and in vivo studies. Journal of Food Bioactives, 9, 40-51.

Shahidi F, Ambigaipalan P, Abad A & Pegg RB. 2020. Chapter 34. Food and bioactive encapsulation. In: Rahman MS (ed.), Handbook of Food Preservation, Third Edition, 529-593. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

Amarowicz R & Pegg RB. 2019. Chapter 1. Natural antioxidants of plant origin. In: Ferreira ICFR & Barros L (eds.), Advances in Food Sciences & Nutrition. Functional Food Ingredients from Plants, Volume 90, 1-81. Oxford, UK: Elsevier, Inc.

Amarowicz R & Pegg RB. 2019. Chapter 2. Leguminous seeds as a source of phenolic acids, condensed tannins, and lignans. In: Martín-Cabrejas MÁ (ed.), Legumes: Nutritional Quality, Processing and Potential Health Benefits. Food Chemistry, Function and Analysis No. 8, 19-48. Croydon, UK: The Royal Society of Chemistry.

Kellett ME, Greenspan P, Gong Y & Pegg RB. 2019. Cellular evaluation of the antioxidant activity of U.S. pecans [Carya illinoinensis (Wangenh.) K. Koch]. Food Chemistry, 293, 511-519.

Liao X, Greenspan P & Pegg RB. 2019. Characterizing the phenolic constituents and antioxidant capacity of Georgia peaches. Food Chemistry, 271, 345-353.

Oswell NJ, Amarowicz R & Pegg RB. 2019. Food and Nutritional Analysis: Fruits and fruit products. In: P. Worsfold, C. Poole, A. Townshend & M. Miró (eds.), Encyclopedia of Analytical Science, Third Edition, 428-435. Oxford, UK: Elsevier, Ltd.

Parrish DR, Pegg RB, Kerr WL, Swanson RB, Huang G & Kerrihard AL. 2019. Chemical changes in almonds throughout storage: Modeling the effects of common industry practices. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 54, 2190-2198.

Polley KR, Oswell NJ, Pegg RB & Cooper JA. 2019. Tart cherry consumption with or without prior exercise increases antioxidant capacity and decreases triglyceride levels following a high-fat meat. Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism, 44, 1209-1218.

Amarowicz R & Pegg RB. 2018. Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) as a source of natural antioxidants. In: Petropoulos SA, Ferreira ICFR, & Barros L (eds.), Phytochemicals in Vegetables: A Valuable Source of Bioactive Compounds, 74-98. Bentham eBooks.

Cheely AN, Pegg RB, Kerr WL, Swanson RB, Huang G, Parrish DR & Kerrihard AL. 2018. Modeling sensory and instrumental texture changes of dry-roasted almonds under different storage conditions. LWT – Food Science and Technology, 91, 498-504.

Duong QH, Lapsley KG & Pegg RB. 2018. Inositol phosphates: health implications, methods of analysis, and occurrence in plant foods. Journal of Food Bioactives, 1, 41-55.

Fuller NJ, Pegg RB, Affolter J & Berle D. 2018. Variation in growth and development, and essential oil yield between two Ocimum species (O. tenuiflorum and O. gratissimum) grown in Georgia. HortScience, 53, 1275-1282.

Gong Y, Kerrihard AL & Pegg RB. 2018. Characterization of volatile compounds in raw and roasted Georgia pecans by HS-SPME-GC-MS. Journal of Food Science, 83, 2753-2760.

Granato D, Shahidi F, Wrolstad R, Kilmartin P, Melton LD, Hidalgo FJ, Miyashita K, van Camp J, Alasalvar C, Ismail AB, Elmore S, Birch GG, Charalampopoulos D, Astley SB, Pegg RB, Zhou P & Finglas P. 2018. Antioxidant activity, total phenolics and flavonoids contents: Should we ban in vitro screening methods? Food Chemistry, 264, 471-475.

Kellett ME, Greenspan P & Pegg RB. 2018. Modification of the cellular antioxidant activity (CAA) assay to study phenolic antioxidants in a Caco-2 cell line. Food Chemistry, 244, 359-363.

Oswell NJ, Thippareddi H & Pegg RB. 2018. Practical use of natural antioxidants in meat products in the U.S.: A review. Meat Science, 145, 469-479.

Pleasance EA, Kerr WL, Pegg RB, Swanson RB, Cheely AN, Huang G, Parrish DR & Kerrihard AL. 2018. Effects of storage conditions on consumer and chemical assessments of raw ‘Nonpareil’ almonds over a two-year period. Journal of Food Science, 83, 822-830.

Polley KR, Oswell NJ, Pegg RB, Paton CM & Cooper JA. 2018. A 5-day high-fat diet rich in cottonseed oil improves cholesterol profiles and triglycerides compared to olive oil in health males. Nutrition Research, 60, 43-53.

Duong QH, Clark KD, Lapsley KG & Pegg RB. 2017. Quantification of inositol phosphates in almond meal and almond brown skins by HPLC/ESI/MS. Food Chemistry, 229, 84-92.

Duong QH, Clark KD, Lapsley KG & Pegg RB. 2017. Determination of myo-inositol phosphates in tree nuts and grain fractions by HPLC-ESI-MS. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 59, 74-82.

Gong Y & Pegg RB. 2017. Separation of ellagitannin-rich phenolics from U.S. pecans and Chinese hickory nuts using fused-core HPLC columns and their characterization. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 65, 5810-5820.

Gong Y, Pegg RB, Carr EC, Parrish DR, Kellett ME & Kerrihard AL. 2017. Chemical and nutritive characteristics of tree nuts oils available in the U.S. market. European Journal of Lipid Science & Technology, 119(8), 1600520.

Li L, Pegg RB, Eitenmiller RR, Chun JY & Kerrihard AL. 2017. Selected nutrient analyses of fresh, fresh-stored, and frozen fruits and vegetables. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 59, 8-17.

Pegg RB & Eitenmiller RR. 2017. Chapter 20. Vitamin analysis. In: Nielsen SS (ed.), Food Analysis. 5th Ed., 361-370. New York, NY: Springer Science+Business Media, Inc.