Alumni News

Alumni News

Jeeten Mistry (BS, '19) is going back to school for his MBA at the University of Colorado in Boulder, CO.
Krishaun N. Caldwell (MS '02) was employed with Milo's Tea Company as the Corporate Quality Compliance and Food Safety Manager in March 2024.
Lucy Branch Reid (MS '84) has retired from The Coca-Cola Company after 36 years of service. Lucy was a Vice President of The Coca-Cola Company elected by the Board and Head of Strategic Ingredient Supply with supply chain sourcing responsibility for flavors and non agricultural ingredients used across the global system. Lucy also served as Vice President of the Flavor Extract Manufacturers Association (FEMA) Board of Governors. Throughout her career at Coca-Cola, Lucy held various leadership and technical roles in Ingredient and Product Governance, Scientific and Regulatory Affairs and R&D.  Lucy will continue to live in Atlanta with her husband Bob and children Elizabeth and Charlie and plans to travel.
Emily Harris (BSA, '24) has been accepted and plans to attend UGA School of Law to pursue a degree in food law and regulation.

image: Jeeten MistryJeeten Mistry
image: Emily HarrisEmily Harris